If SMH, TBH, or FOMO don’t ring a bell, you better read on to figure out what people are saying on the internet these days.
SMH: “Shaking My Head,” an expression of disbelief or disapproval.
ICYMI: “In Case You Missed It.”
TBH: “To Be Honest”
GIF: GIF stands for “Graphics Interchange Format”
BTW: “By the Way.”
NP: “No Problem.” Used by people whose mothers never taught them to say thank you,lol!
ROTF: “Rolling on the Floor.” When LOL just isn’t enough.
FOMO/JOMO: “Fear of Missing Out” and “Joy of Missing Out.”
AWK: “Awkward.”.
YOLO: “You Only Live Once.” meaning that you should take risks and live life to the fullest
BB: A vaguely condescending term of affection, short for “baby”
TBT: “Throwback Thursday.” Usually used as a hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. #tbt is a chance to take a break from posting pictures of things that just happened.
IRL: “In Real Life” — meaning not on the Internet
What other slang do you know of?
BTW: “By the Way.”
NP: “No Problem.” Used by people whose mothers never taught them to say thank you,lol!
ROTF: “Rolling on the Floor.” When LOL just isn’t enough.
FOMO/JOMO: “Fear of Missing Out” and “Joy of Missing Out.”
AWK: “Awkward.”.
YOLO: “You Only Live Once.” meaning that you should take risks and live life to the fullest
BB: A vaguely condescending term of affection, short for “baby”
TBT: “Throwback Thursday.” Usually used as a hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. #tbt is a chance to take a break from posting pictures of things that just happened.
IRL: “In Real Life” — meaning not on the Internet
What other slang do you know of?