Photos: Men and women take part in sprint race wearing 3in high heels


About 100 runners competed in the bizarre annual race on Friday in Manila, the Philippines. Competitors scrambled along a 500 metre track. The race takes place to celebrate the shoe festival in the suburb of Marikina.

Men and women risked broken bones in heels at least three inches high in an unusual test of balance and endurance to see who can strut the best in stilettos.
Lol! look at the men trying to run in heels! It’s not easy to be a woman o!
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Competitors scrambled along a 500 metre track in a variety of flamboyant heels at least three inches high

Competitors wore a dazzling array of outfits in a bid to win the 'shoe-perstar award' for most glamorous runner
Medics were on hand to tend to any injuries as competitors tripped and heels snapped
Men were kept separate from women during the race to prevent any injuries
One woman even wore her bridal dress to claim the sought-after award for most glamorous runner