Which two would you pick? Love, Health Or Money?

There is a saying which goes like this:
“Love is more precious than money.”
“Money can’t buy love.”
“Money can’t buy happiness”
“Love is the most important thing in life.”
I know you are wondering what I would pick. Let’s consider this HEALTH IS MONEY. I am of the opinion that money can’t buy love or happiness.So I would pick love and health because I know I am wealthy if I have both.
Some people will say,  people with money are loved more than their broke counterparts. Nice guys with no money will never win in life.There is one danger to this scenario that may alienate your personal relationships, and that is the path of the acquisition of money, which may blind you towards the things you already have and the true love you already have. 
So if you were to make this decision in life. Which would you pick? Love, Health or Money?