Is Watching indecencyography In A Relationship Right Or Wrong?


Dear readers, I saw this interesting piece online and thought to share it with you. Kindly read and let’s have your opinions in the comments section.

I have always seen this as a big deal in a relationship, I don’t know why but I think personally it feels like the partner is cheating. So I’ve come to ask this questions just to make myself belief that I’m not a crazy lady and that my gut feeling on this issue is right. Months ago, I went and looked through my boyfriend’s phone. Initially it was a harmless search and I went through everything which included his Facebook account and his emails (he doesn’t mind when I go through his phone) anyways as I were looking I thought I should look through his web history (I’m kind of a computer and phone nerd). I came across a list of frequently visited websites and discovered he’d been visiting pornographic websites!

Firstly, I was shock! To me it was like “how can my innocent boyfriend be watching Pornography”, then it started to hit me, I started to ask myself questions doubting my ability to please him in bed, all this ideas started coming in my head and then the “what if” started coming…pretty much my head was turning. Honestly I was not worried that he was cheating on me (he can never cheat on me) I was more worried that I wasn’t pleasing him in bed and instead of him telling me that he was not getting the full satisfaction of pleasure in bed; he watches Pornography to complete it. During all this emotions and thoughts running through my head, the guy was fast asleep, now I was thinking how to talk to him about it so I went and woke him up (with an angry face).

I had it all planned out of how I was going to bring up the subject. First, I would fight with him about some useless and pointless things on his Facebook, then I would manage to drop in the “watching of Pornography” and then demand a reason and if I can get a sorry out of him. He did wake up to my angry, ugly face. When he asked what was wrong, I started my drama with him, asking him pointless and useless questions about something on his Facebook which I couldn’t care less about. Startled, he started begging me to stop my fighting while trying too hard to explain the Facebook thing. At this juncture, I started crying and asked him if I pleased him in bed. He was so shocked about the question that he almost choked. I repeated the question sternly!

He then looked me in the eye and said this: “You are the best wife that God has given to me, I did not marry you for sex but for the love I have for you, you are the whole package and the love making is just a really good extra touch to you, so baby I am pleased and very happy with you”. This time, I sincerely cried for my stupidity but also went on to ask him why he watched pornography and also explained to him how bad I felt. He laughing at my childish act and said “ I watch Pornography to get more position so we can heat things up and sometimes surprise you, that’s all and beside I’m a guy, that’s what we do”. I ended everything by stopping him from watching Pornography, unless we watched it together. Other than that, no more Pornography for him, he either does it real or forgets about it.

Was I wrong to stop him from watching Pornography? Am I the only lady that feels that their partner should not watch Pornography without them? Is watching Pornography while in a relationship wrong?

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