Photos: Angelina Jolie’s ‘Scary’ Skinny Body Once Again Raising Eyebrows


Angelina Jolie‘s,,38, weight and health always seems to be a tabloid headline, especially after the news of her double mastectomy. The latest report claims that Angelina has once again started to worry onlookers with her‘scary‘ skinny weight.

The Enquirer claims“Angelina has become hooked on foods prepared with ‘ancient grains’ that only a parakeet could love. Angie’s always been a fan of healthy seeds and grains, but lately she’s taken it to a whole new level. She claims they provide her with nutrients she can’t find anywhere else, plus shinier skin. But the problem is that she’s not balancing her diet with fruits, meats or vegetables.”

The Enquirer’s ‘source’ also adds that Brad Pitt is extremely worried about Angelina’s weight. “The fact that Angie’s replacing her meals with what’s effectively bird food is a huge worry for Brad. Her diet might be healthier but Brad’s telling her she needs to put some meat on those bones!”

What do you guys think? No one can survive on just grains for an extended period of time, not even Angelina Jolie. Is Angelina eating only ancient bird grains? See more photos below

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