The Cuchini is a device designed to prevent camel-toe. The product – which has a tagline of ‘our lips are sealed’ – is a reusable, triangular, adhesive pad that women can put in their underwear or bathing suit bottoms for a smoother appearance. Brought to our attention by Jezebel, Cuchinis were recently given airtime on Bravo’s Game of Crowns, a reality show that follows six women who compete in ‘Mrs.’ beauty pageants.
In the episode, one of the stars, Lynne Diamante, says Cuchinis are necessary because ‘If you’re in a swimsuit competition, and the swimsuit competition suits are usually tiny and tight, the judges are below you and the audiences is below you.’ While a few of the beauty pageant contestants assert the products are commonplace, others claim they’ve never heard of them or they don’t need one. ‘You know, if your labia is hanging down to your ankles, you need to see a plastic surgeon, not order a Cuchini,’ says Vanassa Sebastian. ‘Seriously, you’ve got, like, a FUPA going on if you need a Cuchini,’ she continues. Mrs Diamante counters, ‘Anatomically, you have the potential to have a camel-toe. I’m sorry, but that’s how life is.’

The Cuchini was invented by Christy Sugrue and Kelly Heyniger, who said on their website that they created it because ‘as South Florida girls, we spend a lot of time in our bathing suits.’ ‘We are sick and tired of men pointing out our visible camel-toe,’ they said. ‘We decided something must be done. As women, we are proud of a female anatomy, but the choice to wax or shave shouldn’t affect our decision to wear a bathing suit or tight-fitting clothes.’ Besides the Cuchini, which retails on their site for $19.95 for a two-pack, the pair also sells fashion tape, silicone nipple covers, and a product called an ‘instant facelift band.’
So ladies, over to you. Lol
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