Police Search For African-American Woman Who Abandoned Baby In A Subway & Left With The Train



abandoned baby

New York City Police are searching for a woman who was seen abandoning a baby girl on a hot subway platform Monday morning. Witnesses saw an unidentified African-American  woman, believed to be in her 20s or 30s, pushing a stroller out of a northbound 1 train at Columbus Circle at about 11:50am. The woman then darted back on the train just before the doors shut, leaving the approximately 7-month-old baby girl on her own.

Surveillance footage released by the NYPD shows the woman entering the subway with the baby in the stroller earlier in the day. A 33-year-old bystander stayed with the baby for 20 minutes, waiting for the woman to return. When no one came to claim the child, the witness contacted police who took the baby to Transit District 1 Police Station.  The baby was then taken to St Luke’s Roosevelt hospital for evaluation and to wait for officials from the NYC Administration for Children’s Services.

When she was found, the child had a rash on her face and bandages on her hand but is said to be in good condition.  Neither the woman or the child has been identified yet.  The baby was reportedly wearing a red and white blouse with red leggings and pampers. It’s unclear if the mother left her child on the platform on purpose or is something spurned her to run away. Anyone with information about the abandoned baby is being asked to call crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS.


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