What Marriage Crisis? Beyonce & Jay Z Staying Strong Despite Rumours


Pretty: Beyonce looks the picture of innocence in these two shots released on her website on SaturdayPretty: Beyonce looks the picture of innocence in these two shots released on her website on Saturday

Beyonce looks innocent in these pictures she posted on her website on Saturday. I  loved them so just had to post them. Lol!  Back to the post, Beyonce & Jay Z have been dogged by rumours about the fragile state of their six year marriage for months. But on Friday, Jay Z and Beyonce showed they were made of sterner stuff as they took their daughter for a fun day out go-carting.

The excursion marked the end of the US leg of their sell-out On The Run tour and judging by these candid snapshots, Beyonce, 32, came out the winner after their day of fun.

Beyonce - Divorce - August 2014 - BN Relationships - BellaNaija.com 01

According to Us Weekly, their marriage is on the verge of breakdown despite the seemingly fun day out.

The magazine reported this week that Queen Bey ‘is done’ with the union once the remaining shows in Paris are complete.

Their problems became public knowledge after the New York elevator bust-up in which the superstar’s sister Solange attacked Jay Z as they left the Met Ball in May.

Insiders told the publication that she is getting ready to file for divorce.

On The Run: Beyonce recreates her publicity shot for her sell out tour with Jay Z

Beyonce did her best to put on a happy show although husband and wife did not appear in the same frame together.

The once perfect couple … no more??