The unnamed teenager reportedly downloaded a cellphone app to text his Florida-based mother to tell her he was being held captive and beaten at the house in Clayton County, Georgia. Police arrived at the scene and found the boy hidden behind a false panel in a linen closet in the property’s garage. In heart-wrenching scenes on Saturday morning, the victim was pictured being reunited with his mother (left), who had traveled to Georgia. Now, five people in the house, including the victim’s father and stepmother, have been arrested and charged with false imprisonment, obstruction and cruelty to a child.
The boy was reported missing to child welfare authorities in 2010 after he went to visit his father and he refused to return him to his mother, according to WSB-TV. However, his mother never contacted the police, potentially because she is an immigrant and was unfamiliar with the system, it is said. But after receiving her son’s text, she immediately called 911.Following her call, officers arrived at the property at 2am on Saturday. They reportedly questioned the house’s uncooperative occupants for several minutes before locating the victim.
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