Lady Gaga has been named Billboard‘s Woman Of The Year but has revealed she came very close to not being eligible as she almost gave everything up. The 29-year-old told the magazine she started to feel trapped by her career and fame in 2014 and came close to quitting.
The star told the magazine: ‘At the end of 2014, my stylist asked, ”Do you even want to be a pop star anymore?” I looked at him and I go, ”You know, if I could just stop this train right now, today, I would. I just can’t. [But] I need to get off now because I’m going to die.”’ The ride that is being Lady Gaga was clearly becoming too much for the woman who says she ‘craves normalcy’ despite living in what she calls ‘the theatre of the absurd’.
‘When you’re going so fast you don’t feel safe anymore, you feel like you’re being slapped around and you can’t think straight. But then I felt hands lifting me. It was like everybody came together to try and put a star back in the sky, and they weren’t going to let me down.’
She told Billboard: ‘You can’t sell your soul once you make it. It’s a big mistake to just go after the money to try to stay on top. I think that’s what everyone wanted me to do. But I’m a different kind of girl, and when being different is not in style it’s hard for me to function.x