Naked Attraction did exactly as it said on the tin by producing a dating show that starts how many dates end, with people being unclad.Unfortunately, the viewing audience weren’t impressed with the show and labelled it “creepy” and a “new low”.
In the first episode we saw Aina, a music producer from London, looking for someone adventurous who she can have a deeper connection with, while Guildford-based designer Mal, who has dated both men and women in the past, was curious to see who she’d be drawn to when all options were on offer.

Viewers at home weren’t laughing though! One tweeted: “That Naked Attraction show is beyond creepy.” Another said: “Channel 4 Naked Attraction. Dating show and new low”, as another blasted: “Our society has reached a new low, and I have a pretty high tolerance for trash. #Eugh.” while other social media users questioned how the programme had even made it on air.

The uncladness was worth it as she found her prince on the dating show. The couple are still together a month on from the show