See The Poignant Final Request This 25-Year-Old Woman Given Just One Week To Live Made


Nardya Miller

A 25-year-old woman has just days to live after her body rejected a double lung transplant she received in 2014. Nardya Miller, a make-up artist from Brisbane, Australia, has suffered from cystic fibrosis her whole life and underwent an operation two years ago because she was “sick of fighting a never-ending battle”.

Now, she has just hours left as her body rejects the organs which she once hoped would save her life. In a heartbreaking Instagram post, she explained how she was not giving up, “just simply letting go” and made a final request of others:

“Please I beg you to live your life to the absolute fullest.”

Nardya Miller and her partner

Her fiancé, Liam Fitzgerald, said Nardya wants everyone to know how important organ donation is.

“The only way people will ever have a second chance at life is to be an organ donor,” he told

Nardya’s cousin, Tachae Douglas-Miller, has also started a GoFundMe account to help with one of Nardya’s last wishes – that her fiancé wouldn’t be left in crippling debt. Tachae explained how Nardya has battled against cystic fibrosis for the last 25 years.

“Her whole life nardya (sic) has been in and out of hospital, missing birthdays, Christmas, and milestones,” she wrote.

IPPB therapy for cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a debilitating genetic condition which causes the lungs and digestive system to become clogged with a thick, sticky mucus. Nardya decided to undergo a double lung transplant in 2014.

“She was sick of not being able to breathe, and sick of fighting a never ending battle,” Tachae explained.

Unfortunately Nardya’s body has rejected her new lungs and she was told last Wednesday she has only one week to live. The 25-year-old has been placed in palliative care and needs an oxygen mask 24 hours a day. Nardya wrote on her Instagram post:

“Maybe I’ve known you my whole life, maybe I’ve known you for 10 years, maybe I’ve known you for only a short while, but in just over a week I will never know you again, I will never see your face again, I will never talk to you, touch you, hold you, ever again.


But I will always love you, and the friendships we built, and the memories we made.


Things do not always turn out how you plan in life, there are some really huge things that I will never have, places I’ll never go and things I’ll never live to see. But I’ll be watching. Always. Smiling. Because I was here.”


“I will never give up. As I never have. Now I’m just simply letting go.”

She ended the post with a poignant request to others.

“And please I beg you to live your life to the absolute fullest. -N x.”