Depraved Mom Filmed Herself Having Intimacy With Her Own 3 Kids & Posted Video On Paedophile Website


A twisted mum filmed herself having sex with her children and indecently assaulting the kids before posting the horrific footage on a paedophile website. The sick mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to 26 child abuse offences in Australia last week.

This included seven counts of sexual intercourse with a child aged under 10 which carries a maximum term of life in jail. Cops uncovered the horrific acts after an international appeal to identify a child who was being abused online on a paedo site.

US-based Interpol officers were monitoring the twisted website and contacted Australia’s Federal Police after identifying the woman’s nationality through her accent, reported the Sydney Morning Herald.

A spokesman for New South Wales Police told the Sydney Morning Herald: “While the internet creates many opportunities for child predators to target children and connect with other offenders, it also presents opportunities for police to detect and target them.”

The mum appeared at Newcastle Local Court in the state of New South Wales via audio link from prison last week. She has admitted five counts of using a child aged under 14 to make child abuse material and five counts of inciting an indecent act on a person aged under 16. The woman is due to reappear in court this week when a sentencing date will be finalised.

Europe’s biggest paedophile ring was smashed by cops after the perverts swapped hundreds of thousands of child abuse images over WhatsApp. Police have made 39 arrests in 10 countries and seized 360,000 files, including documents with details of attacks on young children dating back two decades, including their addresses.

It also emerged a secret online paedophile network which allowed sickos to discuss child abuse and post vile images had 10,000 Britons signed up.

Credit: The Sun UK