A fundraising campaign has been set up to support the family of two baby triplets who died in a ‘tragic accident’. The five-month-old baby boys were found dead at a home in Bridgend, south Wales, on Saturday morning. A third baby brother is understood to be healthy.Post-mortem examinations are being carried out to discover what killed the two tots in the middle of the night. A neighbour said: ‘Sarah’s a single mum and lives there with the triplets who were her pride and joy.
Investigations are taking place to find out how Noah and Charlie died
‘She found Noah and Charlie dead when she got up on Saturday morning. She called for help and when no one came she dialled 999.‘The emergency services arrived and got her and Ethan out the house where she was screaming: “My babies, my babies”.’Family friend Anne Way, 64, went to help firemen carry the two infants from the house.
She said: ‘She was totally distraught holding Ethan tightly to her chest. They wanted to take them both to hospital so I offered to take Ethan off her while she put her shoes on.‘But she shouted: “Leave my baby”. She was in a terrible state.’Sarah and Ethan were checked over at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.Retired hospital receptionist Mrs Way said: ‘That’s what no one can understand – how two of the triplets died and one survived. As far as I know they all slept in the same room.
Tests are also being carried out to discover if the babies died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Sarah doted on the triplets, of which two were identical, after they were born prematurely in April.
All three spent time in a neonatal intensive care unit but were allowed home in May after putting on weight.