Why We Can’t Deliver On Our Promises – Osinbajo


The Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, yesterday, blamed government’s inability to deliver on its promises on socio-political inequality, weak justice system, absence of rule of law and lack of state capacity to maintain law and order.

He also expressed frustrations at the inability of anti-graft agencies to secure convictions for the many suspects brought before the courts for corruption due to the manipulative tendencies of the elite class.

Osinbajo, who noted that people expected those charged with governance to deliver on their promises, including delivering social goods, ensuring that the growing youth population got jobs, ensuring the rule of law and security, lamented that despite several suspects charged with corruption by anti-graft agencies in the country, convictions are yet to be secured. According to him, convictions have not been achieved due to the manipulation of suspects who are mainly elites.

Osinbajo said people could be put on trial but the trials could go on forever because the system enables people to employ diverse legal tactics to delay conviction. Accordingly, he said the elite preferred the status quo which set the lowest bar for political advancement, being “identity politics” of where one comes from or which religion one belongs. He said the elite follow the path of such division to analyse real development issues, thus diminishing the real issues concerning the people such as good governance, job creation, poverty alleviation, peace and security.
