Actress Omotola Ekeinde Defends Daddy Freeze’s Teachings


Actress Omotola Ekeinde who recently celebrated her 40th birthday, took a trip to Badagry as part of the events to mark her birthday. She told Nigerian youths to wake up and free themselves from mental slavery.

During her passionate speech at an event, she mentioned controversial OAP Daddy Freeze who is known to speak against pastors who commercialize religion by taking advantage of their followers’ ignorance.

While there with some young people, they were made aware of the history of Nigeria and how Nigerians were sold into slavery. After the history lessons, the actress called on young people to free themselves from the modern form of slavery which she says is mental.

Omotola Ekeinde said:

“Stop getting angry with the Freezes of this world. They are not your problem, they are trying to help you.

It might be wrong what he’s saying, you may not agree with what he’s saying, but you must agree with the spirit of which he is saying it. You need to wake up. You need to wake up Black people.

She added:

“You have to wake up and stop being trivial. And stop talking about whether I like this person, or I don’t like how he’s delivering it, or I don’t like his face.”

She went on to admonish young people who spend all their time on social media doing nothing productive.

“Young people wake up, don’t be on social media buying data to be insulting celebrities. Or to be following celebrities and knowing what they wore last night, that’s not your business,” she said.

“How many of these big labels anywhere are owned by Africans or Black people? Tomorrow you’re wearing Ferragamo, next tomorrow you’re wearing Gucci or you’re using your Facebook or Instagram or whatever. They’re all made by who?” the actress asked and her audience replied, “Whites.