“Emulate Chioma” – Davido Advises Nigerian Ladies


Davido During an interview section yesterday during a TV program sent a message to all Nigerian ladies and guys laying emphasis on the ladies that they should take his Chioma as an example. He said Nigerian ladies should always try and understand their boyfriends in terms of giving they should not turn their boyfriends into ATM machines that they keep withdrawing money from without caring to their boyfriends worth.

According to Davido “According to my lyrics in from one of my tracks titled IF it reveals my worth of 30 billion and I bought a porch car for Chioma my assurance worth 45 million which is 15% of my worth she never asked for 15 billion unlike Nigerian girls that you know your boyfriend is worth 20k but you are still asking for 10k which is 50% of his worth please try and change these attitudes if you want to enjoy your relationship.”