Grandmother Goes Blind After Using Expired Mascara (Photos)


A grandmother claims she is now legally blind after using expired 20-year-old mascara. Shirley Potter got an eye infection after using the expired product and says it is now too late to save her sight. Mrs Potter, from Adelaide, Australia, was unaware that mascara and other makeup have expiry dates.

She thought nothing of applying the decades-old product to her eyes until an infection set in. By the time she sought medical attention it was too late and now, according to Yahoo!7 she is expected to lose her eyesight completely within three years. Beauty expert Sally Nolan has warned against using out of date products – especially around the eyes.

She said: ‘A general rule of thumb is that product that you put around your eyes, they generally last about three to six months. ‘Foundations and things like that, you can get about a year to 18 months out of them.’ According to experts, if you are in doubt about how long you have had a product it’s best to throw it away rather than take the risk.