Most experts will tell you that full disclosure is very important if you want your relationship to last. So, while there are some things your partner does not really have to know about you, there are other secrets you should never keep from them.
So, no matter what you do, these are the things you should not hide from your partner.
1. When you cheat
Cheating is never a thing you should keep from the man you love. There are women who justify a secret like this by telling themselves it was a one-time thing and would never happen again. Or that the affair is over so no need to confess. But neither of these justifications is right. What happens if he finds out anyway? And keep in mind that your guilt will only continue to build, seeping into other areas of your relationship. Your best bet is to confess and do all that’s within your power to make things right if given the chance.

(Photo: Facebook)
2. Unkind family/friends
It’s okay if you don’t tell your partner you’re not very fond of some of his family members and friends as long as you can all be civil and nice to each other. But one of the things you should not hide from your partner is if any of these people are unkind or cruel to you. Don’t be a martyr and assume you can handle it. Open up to your man. Otherwise, it’s only a matter of time before you transfer your anger and resentment to your partner.
3. When you have doubts
Whenever you have doubts about the relationship, it’s one of those things you should not hide from your partner. If you constantly obsess about whether or not your relationship is fine, just according to your perspective, you may miss a few crucial things. Plus, it’s only fair for your man to know if you have doubts about him. You can hear his own side of things and make a more informed decision.

(Photo: BellaNaija)
4. Medical/ personal history
If you’re looking to spend your future with someone, you should learn about each other’s past. Yes, our past doesn’t define us, but you have to admit that it does shape us. It inspires our drive, choices and often times, it’s the core of why we do what we do. So, your partner has to understand all of this. He should also know about any medical history as well. Past health issues and conditions must be discussed.
Are you and your partner aiming to be relationship goals? Here’s how it’s done.
What other secrets do your man have a right to know? Share your views in the comments below.
Source: Lifestyle.NG