It’s the age of the internet and you can find almost everything online – including love. Sadly, internet dating can get very complicated.
Find out about the common types of guys on internet dating sites so you can quickly figure out which one of them aren’t worth your time.
1. The cheater
This one has a wife or a stable girlfriend at home but he surfs dating sites either for the ego boost or to have something secret on the side. It can be hard to physically hit on girls with a wedding ring on your finger but online, he has all the anonymity he needs.
2. The f*ckboy
He has nothing to offer you but sex… and a lot of sweet nonsense words. A quick way to figure him out is by the fact that his action doesn’t back his words, he can’t prove anything he says and he always wants to talk about sex.

(Photo: Pinterest)
3. The .er
This is another one of the types of guys on internet dating sites. He doesn’t have a girl but he doesn’t want one either. He surfs through these sites looking for his next lay. And he just loves having a bunch of girls on speed dial.
4. The lonely bachelor
He could be a good guy. Except that he either just suffered a break-up/divorce or he is longing for a certain girl from afar. The point is, his heart belongs to someone else and he’s very bitter he can’t have her. Be ready, for he will talk and whine your ears off.

(Photo: Pinterest)
5. The sugar daddy
This is also one of the types of guys on internet dating sites. He’s that older dude still coming to terms with the internet age. He has the means but he needs the thrill. You won’t get much in a way of romance but he will pay for your services.
6. The scammer
Believe it or not, there are some guys who troll the ‘net for women to take advantage of. Their target is working women. They will tell you what you need to hear. Then one day, they ask you for a loan and by the time you realize what’s happening, they delete their profile, reopen a new one and aim for their next target.

7. The one
Among the types of guys on internet dating sites is ‘the one.’ He’s shy and sweet. He’s online because he’s more comfortable with being himself here. His confidence may not be rock solid but, like you, he’s legit looking love. And once he finds her, his profile is shut down for good. Be warned, his kind is very rare.
To find love, follow these four rules of online dating.
Have you met a type of guy online that’s not on this list? Be sure to tell us all about it down below.
Source: Lifestyle.NG