It takes two to make a relationship work so when it crashes, then both partners, to varying extent, are responsible. But if you keep having bad luck, again and again, it may be time to take a look inward.
Why do a lot of people have trouble maintaining a successful relationship? Let’s break down the common reasons below.
1. You choose the wrong guy
It may seem impossible but some people do manage to choose the wrong guy over and over. For example, you may be attracted to the confidence of a ‘.er’ so you end up dating that type. But, you will soon figure out that the heartache isn’t worth it, leading to the end of the relationship.
2. Insecurity
Another reason why you may trouble maintaining a successful relationship has to do with low self-esteem. If you don’t feel like you’re worthy of love, you will only attract people willing to take advantage of that for the time being. Guys will come into your life and you bend over backward just to please them. A lot of abusive men know how to hunt these types of women because they are the only ones that can take it. When you feel like you do not deserve a good thing, you usually don’t get it.

(Photo: Essence)
3. High expectations
You may also have trouble maintaining a successful relationship because you expect way too much from your partner. Perhaps you’ve overdosed on romcoms and romance novels so you’re looking for the perfect prince charming. You find yourself losing interest when they fall short because, of course, they’re human and they’re fallible.
4. Difficulty with self-expression
If you cannot say what’s on your mind, you will have difficulties in a relationship. At the end of the day, you or your partner will give up because the communication gap is just too wide. You are not able to connect or understand each other and one person simply walks away.
5. You jump the gun
You’re so obsessed with finding Mr. Right and settling down that you give off an air of desperation. This is definitely not how to make a relationship work. Most people don’t react well under pressure. So a desperate person will either attract men who want to take advantage of them, or guys who genuinely care for you but just can’t take the heat.
The good news is that, with a bit of attitude change, you can turn things around.

Jealousy can also be a recipe for disaster in a relationship. Find out what causes it and what you can do.
What other reasons are there that can cause a woman to have trouble maintaining a successful relationship? Share your views in the comments.
Source: Lifestyle.NG