Two Nigerian Immigrants Beat Man Mercilessly On A Bus In Italy. Photos



Two African migrants rumoured to be Nigerians, were filmed beating a man brutally on a bus in Italy. According to reports, the shocking incident which left other passengers terrified, was said to have happened yesterday evening in Castellino del Biferno area.

It was also gathered that the immigrants damaged the bus in the course of the fight.

The reason for the attack is yet to be determined.

The latest attack is coming after some Italians took to social media to lament over Nigerians and other Africans who are finding it difficult to abide by the rules in their country (Italy).

The outrage by the Italians followed after an African migrant assaulted a lady after she asked him for his ticket at a metro station in Rome, the country’s capital city.

According to reports, the female transport official stopped the African immigrant and asked him for his ticket only for the man to pushed her heavily to the ground and gave her minor injuries.

After pushing her, the man fled but was later arrested by plain-clothed officers in the area who used taser on the suspect after an alarm was raised.

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