What To Do Immediately After A Breakup To Heal Quickly-Lifestyle News


So you just went through a bad break up and you’re still feeling dazed. Most people think if you’re the one who did the breaking up you shouldn’t be upset, that’s not true. But either way, we want you to know what to do immediately after a breakup so it doesn’t affect the way you handle your next relationship.

This is what to do immediately after a breakup:

what to do immediately after a breakup

(Photo: Koko TV Nigeria)

Cut off from him completely

Delete and block everything. This isn’t to be mean or petty, it’s really for your peace of mind. You don’t need reminders of him and you definitely don’t need him checking on you to be sure you’re okay. That’s just crap. So Delete! Delete!! Delete!!!

Have a short pity party

Eat ice cream, drink all day, watch stupid romantic movies, listen to sad breakup music, and generally just wallow. But not for long, give it a few days and then get up an get stronger. You’re worth a lot more.


what to do immediately after a breakup

(Photo: The Hollywood Reporter)

Go home

Something about good family loving just makes you feel much better after a breakup. So go home and let them pamper you. Enjoy some real good gist and gossip and then have a good cry with family. It’ll do you a world of good.

Pamper yourself

Go to a spa, get a manicure and facials, change your wardrobe if you have to, whatever you do just pamper yourself. Showing yourself some love will help you put things into perspective and realize what’s truly important, you!

Don’t engage

Friends will try to get in touch to ask what happened, yours and his. Unless it’s a close friend, don’t engage just take the high road. Tell them you grew apart, it didn’t work out, anything vague and dismissive, don’t get into bad mouthing or resentment. You’re better than that.

what to do immediately after a breakup

(Photo: Celebrity Style)

Come back stronger

You know that feeling when you walk into a room looking so fly it feels like you’re walking on air? Yeah, that’s what you’re going for. Come back with an air of confidence that blows people away. But don’t date anyone anytime soon.

Don’t let one bad relationship keep you down. Whatever the reasons for the breakup, you are what’s most important right now. So concentrate on yourself and truly heal, you’ll feel better in a while.

Source: Lifestyle.NG