Every girl squad has specific characters that complete the squad.
Take a group of five girlfriends for example. You will almost always find these characters.
1. The mother goose.
This is the one who is maybe older than the rest or if not older, acts more mature than everyone else and makes sure that everyone is behaving well especially on nights out. Mother goose will ensure you do not get chips fungwad, she will take care of the whole squad, ensuring everyone gets home safe and even though she sometimes gets on our last nerve, we are happy to have her as a friend who checks us every now and then.
2. The down for whatever friend.
Wanna take shot? Yes. Wanna go home with the group of guys you just met at the club? Yes, wanna go to Naivasha for the weekend? Yes. This is the YES girl who is adventurous and pretty much ready to do anything. She’s fun. The life of the party, the intrepid extrovert. If the rest of the girls are not up for an adventure, this one will always be up for it.
3. The mean girl aka bitch.
This is the one who gives the other girls the whole “You can’t sit with us look”. She’s not the friendly kind and the boyfriends of the rest of the girls actually fear her since she puts them in their place when they misbehave. The bitch is also the one who is ready to start a fight if and when need be say for instance a random bitch is starting kosokoso in a night club.
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4. The one that’s good with clothes and makeup.
She will advise you on the outfit you should wear, do the rest of the girls’ hair and makeup for an occasion and is forever slaying…in fact, we all want her clothes. If we go to her place, we have to leave with at least one item.
5. The chubby but funny friend.

She’s the fat one in the group, but probably the most likeable. She may not be the Beyonce of the group but her charm, bubbly and funny personality is what everyone likes about her. She has a hearty infectious laugh and makes everyone happy.
6. The Beyonce.
Of course, there has to be the pretty friend. This is the guy magnet. All the boys want to talk to her on nights out. In fact, you have gotten so many free drinks and favors all thanks to her.
7. The hot mess.
Promiscuous, lives for the day, has whoreish behavior but she doesn’t give a fuck. She’s the kind that will disappear on a night out to go home with a random cute guy and come back to tell you all about that D. She’s the go to for all sex advice.
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8. Miss Olivia Pope.
She’s the problem solver. If anything goes wrong, we all call her for solutions. If we go on a trip and shit hits the fan, thanks to this friend, it’s handled. She always has practical solutions for all problems and great life advice.
ALSO READ: 10 most annoying types of friends
Source: Lifestyle.NG