Just how well do you know your partner and how well do they know you?
If you are both in a serious relationship, you need to know each other well. If you feel like your partner does not know you very well, let them answer these questions about you. But it’s advisable that both of you do the test so that you both know each other well.
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Here goes the quiz:
1. Name one thing on your partner’s bucket list.
2. Who is their current best friend?
3. What did they aspire to be when growing up?
4. What are their parents’ name?
5. What do their parents do for a living?
6. What food can’t your partner stand and what is their favorite meal?
7. Is your partner a morning or afternoon person?
8. What’s their favorite music genre?
9. What is the one thing/achievement your partner is really proud of?
10. What are their least favorite house chores?

11. What’s the one thing they did in the past and regret up to date?
12. Of all his relatives, who is their closest person?
13. Between a cat and a dog, which one would they keep as a pet?
14. Do they want children and how many children would they like?
15. What’s their favorite drink?
16. What are your partner’s hobbies?
17. What’s the one thing they really want to achieve currently?
18. Would they love to live abroad? If yes, which country?
19. What’s their dream job?
20. Besides their job/career, name one other thing your partner is really good/talented at.
21. Do they have nick names? If yes, name at least one.
22. Do they have a mentor they look up to? If yes, name the mentor.
23. Mention one trait your partner wishes they could change about you.
24. At what age did they lose their virginity?
25. What’s their most memorable moment with you?
By the end of this quiz, you might be surprised that there is so much you still need to know about your partner. Up for the challenge? All the best!
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Source: Lifestyle.NG