So we stumbled on this hilarious yet interesting and insightful message from Nigerian husbands to their wives and we decided to share. Disclaimer though, we are just messengers and translators of the message and will want to be offered immunity from the outcome.
See 28 things Nigerian husbands want and expect from their wives

(Photo: Instagram Via Lilian Esoro)
1. Slim down darling. We love to see you toned and lithe, exercising and keeping your shape will keep us on our toes.
2. Mind and control your tongue.
3. The house is your domain, keeping it clean says a lot about you.
4. Be hospitable, how you receive our friends and families matter to us. Make them feel welcome by coming out to greet them.
5. Dress neatly and smart always, look good for us.
6. Do not disrespect us, we want to feel respected even with our imperfections. If you want to correct, correct us with respect.
7. Treat us like kings, make us feel important and we shall treat you like the queens that you are.
8. Be quick to say “I am sorry”.
9. Do not delay us when we have to go out together. Start getting ready well ahead of time and don’t keep us waiting because we can be very impatient.
10. We don’t like tension, make us smile and laugh around you and we will want to hang around.

(Photo: Black Ish TV Series)
11. We love good food, if you have to go to a catering school to make us eat well, please do.
12. We do not like nagging. When you make your request, believe in us to do it in our own time, because no amount of nagging can change us.
13. Do not belittle or gossip about us to your friends or anyone else for that matter, make us look like kings.

14. If there are issues that need to be addressed, find a quiet time when we can talk, just the two of us. Please do not wake us up in the middle of the night when we’re trying to sleep.
15. Do not prioritize others ahead of us, make us your number one. Not the children, your friends, your family, your career, business, religion or anything.
16. We love sex, do not withhold it from us and never use it as punishment for wrongdoing.
17. Be disciplined and wise in spending, help us save our money.
18. Be our lover and friend, that’s what we need. Stop mummying us, we already have a mother.
19. We can be jealous, so do not get close to guys on social media. Just handle your friendship with male friends with wisdom.
20. Do not make us look bad to the children, help them love and appreciate us.

(Photo: Okey Bakassi Via Instagram)
21. Do not leave the home and children unattended and go to hang out with friends.
22. Assist us in paying the bills if you can, it’s part of the gender equality fight.
23. Do not try to pry too much by reading our emails and responding to messages meant for us without our consent. Just so you know, we know when you stalk us on social media.
24. Except absolutely necessary, don’t answer our calls without our permission.
25. It can be hard but try to smile always, even when you are exhausted from tending the kids, your smile lights up our home.
26. Constantly frowning will scare us.
27. If you need our help, ASK! We cannot read your minds, we are not wizards.
28. Stop asking to know how we spend every dime, it is still our money.
Do you agree with this message? And do you know anyone that could benefit from this message from our Nigerian husbands? Share with us in the comments section. Meanwhile, here are some funny things men say to get sex.
Source: Lifestyle.NG