There is a long-standing belief that a Nigerian wife and her mother in law hardly ever get along. Funny enough this divide seems to be all over the world and not just in Nigeria. But if you want your mother in law to fall in love with you there are a few tips you need to know.
This is how to live happily with your mother in law
Love her unconditionally
This means you should treat her and love her like she’s your mother because she is. If you can be upset with your mom and still respect and love her, then you can do so with your mother in law too. So love her even when she’s mad at you and always be respectful.
Understand where she stands
The truth is, women are generally territorial and this extends to new wives too. But realising that she gave birth to the man that you fell in love with and married will help you. Understand her place in his heart and his life and respect it, because she has earned it.
Stop seeing her as a threat
Most wives go into marriage with the idea that their husbands’ mother is a threat to their home. So you automatically go on the defensive when dealing with her and this is wrong. Most mother in laws just want what’s best for their son and once she sees that your love for him is true, she will get comfortable with you.
Put yourself in her shoes
If you had a son who grew up with you being the most important person in his life and he suddenly brings someone else in, how would you feel? So maybe try to make her feel welcome and reassure her that she will always be loved by both of you.
Show genuine love
Women can smell fake from miles away and this goes for mothers in laws too. So if your show of love towards her isn’t real she will know and is likely to judge you by it.
Your mother in law can be your greatest ally if you let her in. This doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be boundaries, it just means be open to compromise. Also, see how to impress your in-laws when you first meet them.
Source: Lifestyle.NG