This Is How To Stop Being Desperate For MarriageZUMI


Once you’re in your twenties in this part of the world, there’s an invisible pressure to get married. It’s hard to stop being desperate for marriage with this pressure. Once you celebrate your 23rd birthday the invisible force becomes physical. Parents, caring aunties, mumsy’s friends, friends who have gotten married. Everyone seems to turn you into a prayer point.

This is how to not let the pressure get to you and stop being desperate for marriage

Don’t talk about marriage

Bringing up the marriage topic is something girl do intentionally or not. We drop hints and clues and talk about our friends getting married in front of him. Unless he’s extremely mature, he’s likely to pull away because he’ll feel choked.

stop being desperate for marriage

(Photo; Obsessed/Movie)

Don’t text or call too much

Most men really don’t know what they want, and they definitely don’t want anything they can have so easily. You texting or calling so much sets the tone for who does the impressing in the relationship. Let him chase you and text you and complain about not seeing you enough. You’re worth the stress.

Have fun being alone

Learn to have fun being alone. Look at it this way, if you never find anyone will you seize to exist? If the answer is no, (which it should be) then why bother so much about marriage. Enjoy being you and the world will adjust. Go out with friends, build a life for yourself, do fun things and make memories.

stop being desperate for marriage

(Photo: Nollywood Gist)

Don’t be too available

Asides not being too available for a guy’s every need, also know when to kick him to the side. The fact is if a guy doesn’t seem interested and you stay you’re teaching him to mistreat you. So know when to pull away and when to just let go completely.

Keep your options open

Sometimes we feel if we show a guy how committed we are to him alone, he’ll realise we’re the one. This is far from the truth because men like to chase. Realising someone else wants you just as much, tells them you’re worth the chase.

These are the easiest ways to avoid seeming desperate. If you really want him to commit, see these tips.

Source: Lifestyle.NG