UEFA Charges Manchester United After Champions League Defeat To Juventus. (Details).


Manchester United have been charged by Uefa after several fans ran onto the pitch during and after their Champions League defeat to Juventus.

Early in the first half one man entered the field of play as United were preparing to take a corner.

Then at the end of the game another supporter made a desperate attempt to get close to returning hero Cristiano Ronaldo.

Other fans also ran onto the pitch during and after the game, and Uefa has confirmed it has opened an investigation into the incidents.

A statement from the football governing body read: “Disciplinary proceedings have been opened following the UEFA Champions League group stage match between Manchester United FC and Juventus Football Club (0-1), played on 23 October in England.”

It adds that the charges levelled at Manchester United are “Field invasion – Art. 16 of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations.”

It concludes that “the case will be dealt with by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body on 22 November.”

It was earlier reported how Ronaldo had a go at a pitch-invading fan as he left the Old Trafford turf – before getting a selfie with him.

The former Manchester United star returned to the Theatre of Dreams for a second time with another club and clinched victory again, this time with Juventus.

But one supporter was so keen to catch a glimpse of his idol, he ran into the 33-year-old.

He ran from the Stretford End while being pursued by stewards and Ronaldo exchanged frank words with him as he was tackled by security.