Dandruff is a scalp condition that affects a lot of women. And it can be frustrating to try countless remedies that are useless half the time. Also, with tons of products out there, it could be impossible to know exactly which works.
But with friends like us, nothing is impossible! So you are not alone sister, we’re never going to flake on you (no pun intended) ever.
Here are four anti-dandruff shampoos you can try that will soothe your itchy scalp and banish those evil flakes into the abyss.
Head & Shoulders Shampoo
The Head & Shoulders brand has been around for a while, and it’s no wonder it’s one of the most popular anti-dandruff shampoos around. The brand promises that ”every shampoo is specially formulated to deal with both the symptoms and cause of dandruff. This is made possible due to zinc pyrithione, which research has shown to be among the most effective ways of dealing with dandruff.”
Given the number of people who swear by this brand, it’s definitely one to try. Especially for mild cases of dandruff.
Order it here from N1,250.

(Photo: headandshoulders.ca)
2. Selsun Blue Anti-dandruff Shampoo
This is another anti-dandruff shampoo with really great reviews. What we love about it is that it works on more serious cases of dandruff caused by psoriasis and Seborrheic dermatitis. They have different formulas to choose from, and you’re sure to find one that works for you.
Selsun blue anti-dandruff shampoo is available here from N2,800.

(Photo: selsunblue.ca)
3. Nizoral®A-D
Nizoral is another anti-dandruff treatment that has really good ratings. The brand claims that the ”formula kills the fungus that causes dandruff”. The really great thing about this brand is that it can be used with other shampoo brands. This is because the formula ”has a special ingredient ‘ketoconazole’ which binds to the natural protein of your hair so it keeps working between shampoos’

(Photo: snapdeal.com)
4. Keracare Anti-dandruff Shampoo
Keracare is a brand that produces a range of products for natural hair. But they have an anti-dandruff shampoo anyone will find useful regardless of their hair texture. The brand claims that ”it is effective against dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea”.
You can order this shampoo here from N6,000.

(Photo: theglamourshop.com)
Which of these anti-dandruff shampoos will you be trying out? Also, you’ll be shocked to learn about this gross natural therapy for dandruff that apparently works!
(Featured image: Youtube via Itsqueentiye)