The concept is pretty simple, you ‘suffer’ through the broke stage of your man’s life with the belief that when he makes it someday, you’ll get a payout.
Somehow dating a broke guy has become something to be praised. In fact, there are people out there who believe this is the true definition of a good girl. But we’re about to poke all kinds of holes in that theory.

(Photo: Giphy)
If you’re waiting on his ‘potential,’ you’re still dating him for his money
It does not matter if you’re going after a guy for the money he has now or the money he can potentially make. You’re still basing your choice on his money. In fact, the woman who ‘suffers’ with a broke man is actually even more manipulative. The poor guy is thinking he’s loved and doesn’t realize that bae has a timer on the relationship for how long he’s allowed to stay broke. At least the babe who wants the ‘here and now’ money is honest up-front. No lies, no games.
Think about it. If you’re starting a business to make money immediately, and someone else is starting one to make money at some point, you both have the same motivation – money. In that case, do we now consider a relationship a business investment?

(Photo: Giphy)

What do you plan to be doing with that time?
So you have of the opinion that dating a broke guy will mean future riches when his hustle pays off. Between now and when that time comes, what exactly do you plan to be doing? Nothing? Why would you want to waste years waiting for someone else’s good fortune when you could be making your own?
What happens if he never gets ‘there’?
Yes, this is, in fact, possible. Not every one of us will be gazillionaires. So there is a pretty good chance he won’t make it or make as much as you hoped. What happens then? Will you be resentful? Hateful? Will you break up with him for not paying for all your ‘suffering?’

(Photo: Tyler Perry Productions)
Our point
You should not fall in love with or build a life with someone based on what they could possibly become. If you cannot get on board with who he is today, then it’s best for everyone involved if you moved on. This does not relate to money alone. If your reason for being with someone is based on some future ideal you expect, then you’re with the wrong person.
While we’re on the topic, here are other ridiculous dating rules you need to stop following now.
Source: Lifestyle.NG