Ladies, have you ever been in a relationship that was flowing pretty well, then three months down the line, the guy suddenly changes?
Text messages suddenly become one-liners, he seems distant and before you know it, the relationship is over? Kaput! Just like that…and you’re left wondering what you did wrong? Yeah, happens to the best of us. Generally, after three months, some men get cold feet. That’s why, you need to know the different types of men out there. You will come across those that stay, those who will flee aka the .ers and the commitment phobic ones. Sadly, it’s not so easy to know a man’s real intentions with you albeit you can look out for common red flags. Still, there could be reasons why some men decide to de scatter after only three months or so of dating and we have compiled some possible reasons:
1. It’s human nature to change and want change.
When you start seeing someone new, you’re discovering a lot about them, learning something everyday and spending quality time together. After some time, it’s monotonous, and it starts getting boring especially if you both do not do things to keep the flame burning. It’s like a 9-5 job. You’re doing the same thing over and over…with time, with no new challenges and tasks, you get really bored of the monotony and that’s the same with relationships. When you both stop trying, stop being romantic and stop doing the things you were doing early on in the relationship, one of you will definitely start getting bored.
2. You’re nagging and he’s tired of you screaming and making noise everyday.
There are mature ways to settle conflict. Unnecessary drama will send him running for the hills. Generally, you want a man to see that you could be a good fit for him in the future and screaming and nagging constantly will only scare him away.
3. He’s a .er – a user and abuser.
Unfortunately, there’s a special species of men who will date you for their own good. Once they have what they wanted, they’re off. You have to be very weary of this kind cause they’re very charming and it’s easy to give in.
4. He’s commitment-phobic.

Maybe, things are going too fast too soon and it’s all too intense for him. For women, after 27, the chances of getting pregnant start getting lower and many feel the need to start rushing the guy. But commitment is a huge step especially after knowing someone for such a short time. Rarely will you find men committing before a year of dating someone. In fact, a man who takes things too fast – that’s a major red flag. Point I’m trying to drive home is, maybe he was just scared of the future and is not ready to commit and, he doesn’t want to hurt you either.
ALSO READ: 8 reasons why the man you’re dating is afraid of commitment
5. The love has started to fade.
It’s totally normal. That’s why in relationships, we have to go the extra mile. Spice things up a little bit in the bedroom and what not.
6. He’s cheated,
And feels guilty about it. Or the cheating has made him change his mind about you. It happens.
ALSO READ: 11 great ways to keep the man you’re seeing interested in you
Source: Lifestyle.NG