The sexy ombre lipstick is one look that never gets old. It literally takes your face from 10 to 100 in minutes.
However, if not done correctly, it can end up making your face very tacky and painful to look at. As with every other thing in life, the secret to the perfect ombre lips is practice. Try out different hues that blend well with each other and once you are satisfied with the results you’re getting, you are ready to face the world.

(Photo: Youtube via Ronke Raji)
So let’s see these ombre lipstick hacks that will help you achieve that flawless finish!
To do your ombre lipstick like a pro, all you’ll need is a concealer, a lip liner and a cute shade of lipstick. If you’re not sure what lipstick colours work well with your skin tone, check this out.

(Photo: Youtube via Paulasclosetfr)
To start, apply concealer over your lips to hide the natural colour and create a good base for your lipstick. This trick also ensures that your lipstick lasts longer.
Next, line your lips with a dark lip liner, carefully going around the edges of your lips. It is vital to outline your cupids bow at this point to give your lips that perfect pout.
Apply more liner towards the corner of your lips, bringing the dark colour in to the middle. This dark shade is what will create the ombre look.

(Photo: The Net Ng)
Next, apply your lipstick to the middle of your lips, ensuring to cover the parts not touched by the dark lip liner. Now, press your lips together once or twice. Do not rub your lips from side to side as this would smudge it all up. Just press the lips together and apart in one swift motion.
To blend, use a lip brush or Q-tip (a cotton bud also works fine) to blend the edges of the light and dark colours together. Do this until you create a fading effect. You can top it off with some lip gloss to give if some shimmer and you are good to go!

(Photo: Instagram/Tatiana Ward)
Practice these ombre lipstick hacks till you are able to do it perfectly in one minute. Also checkout this easy ombre lipstick tutorial. You are welcome!
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Featured Image via thenet.ng