Ever thought of dating a wordsmith? Well, you should probably reconsider your thoughts.
Writers are great with words and you will be flattered by how they . with words just to see you happy. And you will receive 10s of love poems just to make you feel like you are the most special person.
But with all their sweetness, writers have a side that you may not like so much in relationships. Maybe they should date their fellow writers. Lol.
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Anyways, here are some reasons why you should reconsider dating or even marrying a writer:
1. Interrupted fun
You will be enjoying a late night movie and all of a sudden, they will be up fast to complete their second chapter because they have just gotten an idea. And when you think that it’s the best moment to cuddle after making love, their flow will just kick in and they will leave the bed at mid night.
2. Write about you
If you ever date a writer, be lest assured that some day, you will feature in their writing. Well, the only thing they will do is give the character a different name but when you read, it will sound so much like you.
3. Gifts

Not that writers are not romantic but the kind of gifts you are likely to receive from them might surprise you especially if you are not a writer yourself. While you may be upset that the only thing they got for your birthday is a book they claim to be the best and newest read on the shelves, they will be feeling like they just shared the whole universe with you.
4. Odd working hours
Good writing is not dictated by time. If they are on their flow, they will be up all night and they won’t hear a word from you. Even if you had plans for the next day, the plans can always wait because they can’t afford to let the ideas slip.
5. Perfectionists
Truth be told, most writers are perfectionists and if you are not one, then you will have problems dating one. They pay attention to how you talk and how you write. They will criticize your grammar, spellings and wrong pronunciation of words. Do you think you can handle such?
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6. You will have to read
Like it or not, you will have to start getting some love for reading – because writers will force you to read. They will make you read their writings and you have to, because at the end of the day they expect your criticism.
Source: Lifestyle.NG