In a many happy relationships, partners are usually free to joke freely, fool around with each other, poke fun at each other and of course, call each other names, all in good humour.
What’s the point of being in a relationship when you can’t even call each other names, right? It is not unheard of for people to express worry at the possibility of dating someone who can’t take a joke and is so stuck up. And truly, it is a valid worry to have.
However, there is a limit to humour. So, whether in a light hearted manner or in franker circumstances, these are three names you should never call your partner – and yeah, being angry is not even an excuse.
1. Fat
If you call your woman this, you would be creating for yourself an issue that is totally avoidable. She may forgive you but the concern may never leave her. The body worry will always be there long after you have apologized and told her that you only said it in a moment of craziness.
She may never stop wondering if you really find her sexy and she may also never stop being insecure about her body.

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2. Worthless
Calling your partner this will call to question their importance in your life. All the good they have ever done… everything gets called to question and it will hurt really badly.
They may forgive. But will they forget?
It will be hard to explain to your boo that calling her useless with a nasty tone was a joke, too. (Giphy)
3. Ugly
This one is flat out wrong. Don’t do it. No anger, no disagreement, or quarrel should make you do this. It’s so wrong.
Source: Lifestyle.NG