It’s time to take that big step forward in your relationship. You’re excited and can’t wait to take the plunge. We’re talking about making that big decision to move in together.
It’s definitely a big deal and can be the perfect opportunity to get closer as a couple. However, this isn’t something you do without having certain discussions. So before moving in together, here are some questions to ask your partner:
Who pays for what?
Don’t assume you know what the other person is thinking when it comes to money. You may be under the assumption that he’ll primarily take care of the bills while he may think you’re splitting it. Even if you’re paying the bills together, you need to talk about who pays for what. It’s not the most romantic conversation to have but it’s very necessary.

(Photo: Ethel Curbow)
How do we divide the chores?
Set boundaries earlier on to avoid arguments over who does the dishes. There are different ways to make this work depending on what you both prefer. You could make a rule that each person is responsible for their own thing, i.e I do my clothes, wash my dishes, do my laundry etc. Or you could alternate. He does the dishes this week and you do them the next week. You can also simply divvy up everything. He cooks and does laundry while you do the dishes and clean. Just make sure you come to a decision that you’re both cool with.
What are the rules for having guests over
This is also one of the questions to ask your partner. If one of you is spontaneous and other loves to plan ahead, you need to have this discussion. You don’t want to come home to see that your partner is hosting a football viewing party.

What happens next?
You cannot go into this thinking he’ll propose in a few months while he believes you guys are good for the next five years (or forever). State your expectations and ensure you’re both on the same page. You should talk about any specific expectations that will make living together more comfortable for you both. Sure, you’ll figure out most things as you go but try and get these basic questions out of the way as early as possible.

(Photo: Fox Searchlight Pictures)
While we’re on the topic, here are some great reasons why you should consider living together before getting married.
Featured Image via Tyler Perry’s Production
Source: Lifestyle.NG