At this time when a lot of women are resorting to skin lightening and bleaching, here’s a shout out to the women who have maintained their complexion *You go girl*. Now let’s help you ensure that your melanin stays popping.
You might assume that if you’re dark-skinned, all that you need to do is just slather shea butter on your skin…we love shea butter but be honest sis, how’s that working for you so far? Just slathering shea butter all over your skin is not enough to make it glow, no matter how greasy you look afterwards -There’s a difference between glowy skin and greasy skin. Here’s how you can make your dark skin glow:
Use sunscreen
OK so sunscreens won’t exactly make your skin glow but it will protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Sunburnt skin certainly will not glow. So if you want to secure the glow for a long time, sunscreen is your second best friend (after us).
Exfoliate regularly
By now, we probably sound like a broken record but exfoliation is key for healthy skin. If you want your dark skin to glow, then exfoliation has to be a part of your skincare regime. For best results, use a chemical exfoliant for your face and a normal scrub for the rest of your body.
Properly moisturized skin is plump, elastic and what else? Oh yeah, it glows. EVERYONE needs a moisturizer regardless of their skin type but be sure to get one suitable for your skin. So if you have dry skin, make sure you get one that says ”for dry or extra dry skin’‘. Here’s a tip to get the most out of your moisturizer; apply on damp skin.
Include oils in your regime
Lotions and creams are fine for the face but they aren’t really enough to moisturize your body because they evaporate quickly. Oils, on the other hand, will lock moisture into your skin for hours. What we recommend is after rubbing in your lotions and creams, apply oil all over to seal it in.
If you want to use oils for your face, opt for light oils like argan, grapeseed or jojoba oil and use at night. This way your skin will absorb the benefits of the oil while you sleep and you’ll wake up with glowing skin.

(Photo: stylecraze.com)
While we’re on the subject of glowing, have you tried steaming your face? It’ll also make your dark skin glow and it has loads of other benefits.
(Featured image: macoiffeuseafro.com)