A vlogger hanged himself after he was found “sobbing uncontrollably” when he lost his iPhone at an Arctic Monkeys party last year, an inquest heard. Archie Day, 20, of Bishop Stortford, Herts in England, took his own life on October 5 at Peel Park halls of residence at Salford University in Greater Manchester.
A coroner said the undergraduate was “extremely upset” about losing his phone before he hanged himself.
His family believe he did not intend to kill himself – blaming excessive drinking at the club night for contributing to him ”not thinking rationally.”
Archie, a keen Instagram vlogger and broadcast journalism student, had a history of depression and anxiety but told his family it had become less of an issue, an inquest heard.
In a statement, his flatmate Kane Markham said Archie’s friends were aware of his mental health battles but didn’t realise the severity.
His Instagram page featured a post that read “Should have died already” and he listened to songs about depression, claimed Kane.

Kane said Archie had drunk “at least four drinks of Stella” that night, as well as sipping other people’s drinks.
A 2.30am he messaged his friends asking where they were and they jokingly told him they had returned home.
When the group got into a cab they couldn’t find Archie and later found him “sobbing uncontrollably” in his digs with a security guard.
When Kane returned from lectures that day Archie’s door was still locked and he left his friend alone.
The phone was later found 220 miles away in Romford, Essex, but it was never recovered.
Tests showed Archie had 225 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood in his system, more than twice the legal limit.