These Skincare Myths Have Being Misleading You Your Whole Life


With all the self-proclaimed ‘skincare experts’ flooding the internet, it’s no wonder that there is so much wrong information floating around… And the fact that something sounds logical doesn’t make it true!

In debunking these skin care myths, we’re going to be shaking some tables that you might have been sitting pretty on. But trust us, we have your best interest at heart. We promise to tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Myth 1 – Water hydrates your skin

This is the most popular of all the skincare myths. And we blame it on those celebrities who attribute their flawless skin to just drinking a lot of water *side eye*. They conveniently forget to mention the luxurious beauty products from expensive brands adorning their vanity tables.

Don’t get us wrong, water is good for the general health of your skin. But when it comes to hydration, just drinking water is not enough. Moisturizing products are best.

Myth 2 – If a skincare product stings or tingles, it means it’s working

You know how certain products makes your face tingle upon application? Well, some people think that’s a sign that the product is working. The truth is, the tingling feeling you experience isn’t necessarily a measurement of its effectiveness.

Some manufacturers have cashed in on this false belief and are deliberately adding ingredients to their products which DO NOTHING ELSE except make your skin tingle. And the funny thing is sometimes that tingling feeling is actually a sign that your skin is reacting negatively to the product!

So before you get excited about that stinging or tingling feeling, find out if the product is actually supposed to give that effect. If it isn’t but it stings your own skin, STOP using it. It might be a sign of an allergic reaction.

skincare myths


Myth 3 – Oil is bad for your face

Most people consider oil to be bad luck for their skin and so they avoid it like a plague. This is because they think oil will clog their pores, make their skin shiny and give them acne. Some just think oils are pretty basic so they won’t touch them. Sure, there are some oils that can worsen acne issues because of their comedogenic rating.

But in reality, oil can be one of the best things to happen to your skin if you’re using it the right way and if you’re using the right one. A lot of oils are packed with antioxidants, Vit C & E which fight free radicals and reverse sun damage. Not only that, they can keep your skin moisturized and even balance out oily skin.

skincare myths


To get started on which oils to use for your face, click here.

Myth 4 – Natural skincare is not effective

This is the battle of the beauty industry: Natural vs non-natural. The truth is both natural and non-natural skincare can be effective or ineffective, depending on what you’re using them for.

You might not know this but some of the most active skincare ingredients currently raved are actually naturally derived. Examples are Vit C, Hyaluronic acid, Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), Kojic acid. So natural skincare can be pretty effective.

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Myth 5 – Natural means safe

This is something that people who label themselves ”team natural’‘ erroneously believe. That all natural ingredients or products are safe for their skin but it isn’t actually true. Sure, it makes sense that natural ingredients are safer than non-natural ones. But that does NOT mean that everything natural belongs on your face.

For example, lemons are commonly used in DIY skincare but it is actually a bad idea. Lemons are very acidic and can wreak havoc on your pH balance in the long run. So the next time life gives you lemons, make lemonades. Don’t put them on your face.

Now that we’ve dealt with skincare myths, here are some make-up trends you should leave in 2018.

(Featured image: Giphy)

