Men In Black fans threaten to boycott film unless Liam Neeson is scrapped


… following racism controversy

Men In Black International fans have threatened to boycott the yet-to-be-released film unless Liam Neeson’s scenes are scrapped entirely. Punters are fuming the actor is in the film, which is scheduled for release in June, following the continued backlash launched at the 66-year-old Irish star over racist comments in which he said he once wanted to murder a ‘black bastard’. The actor had previously said that after learning a friend was raped, he asked ‘what colour’ their attacker was, and told the Independent:

‘I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody – I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] “black bastard” would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could… kill him.’ Now seething filmgoers have begged showrunners to erase all trace of the Taken star from the flick, that also stars Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, otherwise they’ll vote with their feet.

We suppose a man who had admitted he walked around with a cosh in order to assault a black person might not have the best time starring in a movie, let alone promoting it, called Men In Black.

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