A young man has been boasting about how he is using his manhood to make a fortune. The self-proclaimed “Underground Actor” and musician identified as Kudzi Savanhu from Zimbabwe, is boasting that ladies are coming from as far as Europe in order to enjoy his unique organ which he claims s is a natural wonder.

Speaking to local tabloid H-Metro, Savanhu said;
I think I am naturally gifted when it comes to this manhood that has made me some few thousands within a short space of time.
Women love how I use it in bed and they say its size and form is unique. This made me realise that I could use my natural wonder to make money when I got intimate with a local business lady who paid me just to appreciate the pleasure and satisfaction that she got from me.
…I am enjoying it because it’s fun and getting money in that easy way.
When I realised about the unique package that I have and the talent I have on using it, I thought of making money and advertising myself on several dating and fling sites…I have six clients that have actually come from SA and Europe just to enjoy me.