Nigerian billionaire oil mogul, Igho Sanomi, has lost his private jet and set to lose his three London apartments to Credit Suisse Group AG over a $3m debt.

The Swiss bank is owed about $3 million by Sanomi, who was a guarantor for a credit facility extended to one of his companies, Credit Suisse’s lawyer, Andrew Brown, said.
Three properties owned by Sanomi, including apartments in Chelsea, west London, and Belgravia, in the heart of London’s diplomatic quarter, have already been identified as assets that may have to be forfeited if he loses in court.
Credit Suisse isn’t the only lender targeting Sanomi’s assets, Banque Cantonale de Geneva has already made a freezing order against the London properties. .
ING Groep NV is also suing Sanomi for his company, Taleveras’s unpaid debts, according to separate court documents filed in October.