See What Happened To 3 Siblings Who Went To Visit Their Mother In Lagos


Three siblings have been caught in an unfortunate incident today, 21st April, 2020. They left home and decided to see their mum who was on the other side of town, Ajah.

On their way, their a reckless driver left his supposed lane and followed one way even though the state is on lockdown. The driver killed four people and three of the four he killed were siblings who were on their way to visit their mum.

This is a black Tuesday for that family because the mum will be heartbroken and the family shattered. How can one person’s carelessness cause a family such a terrible tragedy. We hope the driver is prosecuted accordingly.

The government of Lagos state have instructed that people stay home to curb the spread of coronavirus. Lagos state recorded no new case of coronavirus on the 20th of April but that is no reason to think the state is free and we can resume our normal activities.

You all should stay safe.