Stop Calling It Garri, See What It Is Called …


Garri is a product from cassava and is almost eaten by my Nigerians around the world. Garri contain carbohydrates.

To make garri cassava tubers are peeled, washed and grated or crushed to produce a mash. The mash can be mixed with palm oil and placed in a porous bag, which is then placed in an adjustable press machine for 1–3 hours to remove excess water.

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Once dried, it is then sieved and fried in a large clay frying pot with or without palm oil. After the frying and it get heated like 10 to 20 minutes depending on the hotness of the cooking gas or fire wood used remove it from the frying pan and pour it in any flat clean place and allow it to cool once it cooled your garri is ready for consumption, it can be stored for long period of time without spoiling.

Let me go straight to the point many people around the world call it garri after under going all these processes yes is correct to call it garri but there are some additional name that it is also called the name is roasted granular hygroscopic starchy food and it’s botanical name is Manihot esculenta crantz.

Hope this is helpful right ? So as a learned man or woman if you go to market to buy garri tell them that you need roasted granular hygroscopic starchy food.