Causes of vaginal dryness and treatment tips
Vaginal dryness is a painful symptom that several women experience at some point in life. But while it is a common issue, some women don’t give it the needed attention or get help from a medical professional because they don’t see it as a health challenge.
The implication of this, in most cases, is often unpleasant. Vaginal dryness can lead to one experiencing pain during sex which might eventually result in the loss of sexual desire.
It can also bring about discomfort during exercise and other physical activities while it can increase the risk of vaginal infections if not treated and managed on time.
Have you been enduring pain during sex or discomfort while engaging in other activities? Then this article is for you.
Vaginal dryness is majorly a result of low estrogen levels. Estrogen is the hormone in your body that keeps the lining of the vagina lubricated, thick, and elastic.
Estrogen helps keep the tissues lining the vagina thick, moisturized, and healthy. This means that as the levels decline, the lining becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic which eventually leads to vaginal dryness.
Common factors responsible for the drop in estrogen levels in the body include:
- Menopause
- Childbirth and breastfeeding
- Removal of the ovaries
- Chemotherapy and radiation, treatments for cancer
- Anti-estrogen drugs for treating breast cancer
Vaginal dryness can also be caused by other factors listed below:
- Stress and anxiety
- Mood swings
- Use of antidepressants
- Trauma
- Douching
- Cigarette smoking
- Underlying conditions like diabetes
If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, there are several ways to treat it. Common treatments for vaginal dryness include:
- Avoid the use of strong or perfumed soaps and lotions for your vagina
- Regular sex with enough foreplay
- Use of water-based lubricants and vaginal moisturizers
- Use of estrogen or non-estrogen oral therapies
Generally, vaginal dryness is best treated when the cause is established. Therefore, it is usually advisable that those affected should see a medical professional and get the appropriate treatment.