EFCC arrests Cubana Chief Priest on alleged money laundering and tax fraud


EFCC arrests Cubana Chief Priest on alleged money laundering and tax fraud

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has arrested Nigerian socialite Cubana Chief Priest on charges bordering on money laundering and tax fraud, officials familiar with the matter said.

Pascal Okechukwu, his real name, was arrested at the Lagos airport on Thursday, but anti-graft officials hushed the development amidst pressure from his associates and family, who said the matter could complicate conditions for others likely connected to the alleged racket.

Mr Okechukwu’s arrest has made it impossible for him to return birthday greetings from his nearly four million Instagram followers with only his wife being permitted to see him in custody.

It was not immediately clear when he would be granted bail or the level of information officials had been able to squeeze from him as of yesterday night.

“The matter is still under investigation,” a source said in anonymously.