What this Chinese face mapping technique reveals about your acne


What this Chinese face mapping technique reveals about your acne

Face mapping began in traditional Chinese medicine. It means a person’s skin is a mirror of their inner well-being and mental health. It is predicated on the notion that a spot on your face is a sign of a more serious problem.

Here’s what the acne/pimples on different parts of your face means.

The left and right cheeks are very important in Chinese medicine.

Left cheek

If you have acne around your cheeks, it means your phone is dirty, clean your phone screen or use headphones or earbuds to prevent the accumulation of oil and bacteria on your face when answering calls.

Get a salicylic acid cleanser if you are breaking out a lot around your left cheek. Also, eat a lot of melon and cucumber.

Right cheek

The right cheek reacts to sugar more severely than other areas of the face, so reduce your intake of junk food, sugar and alcohol.

The area between your brows is associated with your liver and gallbladder according to Chinese medicine.

Breakouts between your brows could be a sign of excessive drinking, smoking, or intake of fatty foods.

Reduce your intake of junk food and fat if you’re experiencing breakouts above your brows.

You might want to examine your blood pressure and vitamin B levels if you have a lot of acne around your nose.

Acne across your forehead is usually a sign of stress and dehydration.

Acne around your mouth is usually caused by digestive problems and diet. It is usually a sign that you are eating too much spicy or fried food or constipated.

Acne around your chin and jawline is related to stress and hormonal imbalance like polycystic ovarian syndrome.