Men are like kids… ladies tolerate cheating more in marriages, says Yvonne Jegede


Men are like kids… ladies tolerate cheating more in marriages, says Yvonne Jegede

Yvonne Jegede, the actress, has argued that ladies tolerate cheating more than men in marriages.

The movie star was speaking about extramarital affairs in African marriages during her feature on a TVC show.

Jegede questioned what she agreed was a bias that makes women pray for their men to quit cheating.

She agreed that it is unlike cases where a man is the wronged party; where they would rather dissolve the union.

Asked to comment further on this, Jegede said women tolerate cheating more than men because they have “bigger hearts” and “motherly instincts” which help them “contain certain situations” that they find themselves in.

“My own take on this issue of cheating is that I think why men don’t tolerate women cheating is that they don’t have a big heart,” the actress said.

“Women have bigger hearts, we can tolerate, we can forgive even with our day-to-day people we come across and stuff like that.

“Women are nurturers, so motherly instincts a lot of times help us contain some certain situations that we find ourselves in. So for men that can’t take it like you said if you find out and it’s a secret then you guys can manage it.

“There are cases when it comes out like that. First of all, men are like children, they’ve said that thing a thousand times. I never used to believe it so much until I entered into it and I got a lot older.

“Then I see some people I probably have a relationship with and I go home and I’m like, ‘what’s the difference?’

“I think they really don’t grow. I see my son throw tantrums and I’m like, ‘this is the same thing this man just did.”