In a recent Instagram revelation, renowned reality TV star, Natacha Akide, also known simply as symply Tacha, stirred up a wave of speculation as she announced her impending 23rd birthday.
However, the announcement triggered a flurry of discussions among netizens, with varied opinions on her age circulating like wildfire.
Contrary to the four-year gap since her 23rd birthday celebration during her stint in the Big Brother house in 2018, some online speculators suggested that Natacha might be concealing a more mature age. The speculative age ranged from 28 to 40, prompting a cascade of debates about the authenticity of her claim to be turning 23 once again.
This controversy isn’t new for Natacha, as echoes from an April Twitter post resurface. In that instance, she boldly asserted her age as 23, eliciting accusations of living a fabricated reality. Unfazed by the skepticism, Natacha defended herself against critics who failed to grasp the sarcasm in her post. She adamantly stated that she owed no explanation, emphasizing the need for understanding sarcasm and reinforcing her commitment to staying true to herself.
Delving into the past, the roots of this age-related discourse trace back to Natacha’s time in the Big Brother house in 2018, marking the initial proclamation of her 23rd birthday. Fast forward to the present, and the repetition of the age claim has left many perplexed, questioning the veracity of her statements.
As the social media landscape buzzes with debates and discussions surrounding Natacha’s age revelation, it remains to be seen how she will address the speculations and whether this controversy will have a lasting impact on her public image.