A young Nigerian lady has sparked some discussion online as she begged for money to buy sanitary pads, absorbent items worn by women in their underwear during their menstruation.
In a video making the rounds online, the lady, identified as @meyiwa_vera, stormed the unidentified street with a big placard, declaring her urgent need for funds to buy pads.
The placard reads, ‘Need money for pads’, making it easy for passersby to notice her need of menstrual hygiene products.
The lady seems undaunted as she walked towards people on the street, begging them for money. Many gave her some money.
Towards end of the video, the lady was seen inside a shop, buying two packs of pads with the money she received.
She, then, packed each of the products inside nylon, distributing them among women she came across in the street.
Watch the video below: